We’re here to help.

We here at Netta Payments know the importance of customer service being there when you need it. We do not outsource our customer service, nor just let “anyone” pick up the phone. Our customer service reps are dedicated merchant service specialists all located on premises available to you 

24 hours a day, 7 days week.

We’ve got your back with Chargeback’s!

Here are FAQ’s regarding Chargebacks:

What is a Chargeback?

A chargeback is the reversal of a sale transaction that arises from a processing technicality, a customer dispute or fraudulent activity. All chargebacks are violations of the rules and regulations established by a payment brand, such as Visa® or MasterCard®.

Chargebacks are something every merchant wants to avoid, as they can result in lost revenue.

Why Did I Receive a Chargeback?

Here are some of the most common reasons why chargebacks happen. Your customer:

  • Did not receive a product or service

  • Does not recognize the charge or payee on his or her credit card statement

  • Believes the product or service was defective, damaged or not as it was described

  • Was a victim of fraud – his or her credit card was stolen or used without consent

How Does a Chargeback Get Reported?

Once a customer realizes there is a problem with his or her transaction:

  1. Your customer contacts their issuer (the bank that stands behind the card), explains the problem and asks for their money back.

  2. The issuer researches the accuracy of the claim. If it is considered unreasonable, then the customer is responsible for the payment and your settlement funds are not impacted.

  3. If your customer appears to have a reasonable claim, the issuer will make a temporary credit payment to your customer and begin the chargeback process.

  4. During the chargeback process, the card issuer will obtain funds from the respective payment brand, who in turn debits the funds from Netta Payments. Netta Payments, in turn, will debit the funds from your settlement account.

  5. Netta Payments then sends you documentation that notifies you about this chargeback via email, mail and your online portal should you have a subscription which Netta Payments provides to all of its merchants for free.

How Will I Receive a Chargeback?

Netta Payments carefully reviews all chargebacks to ensure their validity. If you get a chargeback you should receive the paperwork via a Chargeback Document from us via fax or the U.S. Post Office.

This document informs you that a debit has been made to your business checking account and gives you the option of accepting or contesting the adjustment. If contesting the adjustment, you will be required to respond by providing all specified information requested on the Chargeback Response form.

Note: The debit (removal of funds from merchant account) occurs upon receipt of the chargeback, but this document does not generate until the chargeback has a status of "return to merchant (RTM)."

How do I dispute a transaction?

  1. When Netta Payments receives chargeback from the issuing bank, we first look at our own records to try to resolve the chargeback automatically. If we do not have the necessary information, the chargeback will receive a status of "Return to Merchant" and we will send you a Chargeback Document if you manage your chargebacks manually. Complete the Chargeback Document with as much information as you have available, and return it to Netta Payments Chargeback Department using the fax number or physical address on the form.

  2. If you fill out and submit this documentation, the analyst will review your rebuttal to ensure compliance with the payment brand rules and regulations. If your response is consistent with the rules and regulations, then the chargeback is represented for review by the payment brands, and the chargeback funds may be returned to your account.

  3. If you do not fill out and submit this documentation, then the chargeback automatically moves forward unchallenged and the chargeback funds will not be returned to you.

Why was money taken out of my account?

When a cardholder disputes a transaction, the issuing bank credits the cardholder, the payment brands credit the issuer, Netta Payments credits the payment brands and that same amount is debited from your merchant account.